Log Book


Sick Sad World

Hello there,
This is a place for daily journal entrees as well as a collection of writtings like short stories for you to explore
I will be updating this , its under construction as of right now 2/2/23

Friday, March 3 2023 5:00 PM
-Today has been like every other day, Draining and draining for no reason.
It's not like I did anything. I sat in bed questioning everything and drowning out the thoughts with pointless pictures of pointless people and pointless things. However something was a little "new" today. It was a feeling ive never felt before. I didn't feel real.
Lately i've been filling my mind with dissociated worlds and i might have missed the obvious messages they were trying to send
Honestly I don't mind.. i'd rather live in a fantasy world wrapped in ignorant bliss than try to figure this shit out
but my body didn't feel or look like my body… my face did, i recognized that, in all its sadness but my body wasn't mine
Is this Dissociation ?
or is that impossible since i'm recognizing these strange changes

Thursday, March 9 2023 4:06 AM
-Im offically sick of eveything
im constantly alone yet feel like eveyone is watching me , waiting for me to fuck up
whats the point ? every good thing i get goes rotten and its exhusting living in a world that feels like its build just to fall.,br. Humans are so fucked up, why do we do the things we do ?
Why are kids killing teachers and parents killing kids
its all just fucked...

Saturday, March 18th 2023 -im writting this entry very late on this date my father died and my whole life got flipped upsdie down ... havent been here a min might come back to stay my mind is still scrambled and ive started drinking, drinking and coding dont mix too well lol.
Hollywood Junkiez